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Player Registrations

WDFFA Committee

10 Aug 2024

News about registrations for the 2024/25 season

Firstly, we hope you are all having a great summer and are raring to get into the new season. 

We have updated the player registration process and will be using google forms to capture the information (to comply with club GDPR rules). As such ALL existing players will need to re-register in order to train and play tournaments and friendlies using the online form below (this takes less than 10 minutes to fully complete). Any issues accessing the form let us know.

The committee met on 1st August and discussed everything around the upcoming season (subscriptions, training venue, football, social events etc and there is more to follow as the season unfolds. Our home for training is under discussion and we will do what we can to keep this at the same time slot on a Saturday and in a familiar environment (more details to follow over the next Month or so as we secure our future).

Subscriptions are reviewed each year and for the 2024/2025 season will be set at the below figures (These include a one-off deposit to cover the issuance of the WW new kit). Kit is expected to be delivered by the middle of September (TBC). 

Subscriptions need to be paid by 21st September 2024 or a payment plan needs to be agreed by this time if required. Please speak to Julia or Matt Roberts (registrations officer and treasurer) if you would like to set up a payment plan. 

  • Player Subscriptions - £100 plus £50* (Kit deposit) = £150

  • Additional Players Subscriptions - £50 plus £25* (Kit deposit) = £75

* Kit deposit to be returned when full kit is returned (Shirt, shorts and socks) in the event a player leaves the club.

Please see the following links and documents

1. WDFFA 2024/25 Registration form Link -

2. WDFFA Club Constitution - 2024

3. WDFFA Club Code of Conduct - August 2024

4. WDFFA 2024/25 Subscriptions Letter (detailing payment details and fees etc)

Lastly, the club expects that parents/carers of our vulnerable and our new players stay and support them in case of any issues.

As always any questions do let us know and look out for further emails on the football fixtures, we published all sessions and activities planned on the website (so these can be added to your calendars).

Here are the bank details for subscriptions payment:

BANK DETAILS (Barclays Community Account): 

Account Name: Woking Disability Football for All

Account No: 03006484

Sort Code: 20-46-76

Deposit Reference: Players name

Have a great weekend.

Warmest Regards

The WDFFA Committee

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